Participatory Environmental Humanities Workshop
Participatory Environmental Humanities Workshop
This 2-day workshop was held at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, from 18–19 July 2017. The workshop explored some of the many public faces of the environmental humanities, with a particular focus on the participatory possibilities emerging out of new forms of public scholarship and practice. Further information.
Libby Robin spoke about the ways environmental humanities have led much of the exploration of the Anthropocene idea through events, performances and museum exhibitions that explore its power as a metaphor.
Jenny Newell spoke about museums as sites for participatory environmental humanities with reference to her work at the Australian Museum.
Cameron Muir gave an overview of the Localising the Anthropocene project and the Everyday Futures website.
Kirsten Wehner participated in the conversations.

This event was organised by Thom van Dooren, Matthew Kearnes, Cameron Holley and Laura McLauchlan as part of a PLuS Alliance funded collaboration.